Ancient footprints

Whilst integrating the debugger into Killer Bees it occurred to me that whenever the call to the debugger or a breakpoint is inserted into the code, everything gets shifted down by five decles to accommodate the required three instruction sequence:
      BEGIN                       ; call into the debugger
      CALL    RKD_DEBUG           ; 
      PULR    R5                  ;
Now obviously, once you're done with debugging you remove these sequences and everything contracts back up, right?

Well, what happens if you're you don't finish debugging? Or if you finished with a particular breakpoint and don't want to add and remove breakpoints, screwing things around and messing with your recollection of useful addresses? Perhaps you just replace these commands with NOPs. That way the code remains the same, but the breakpoint is no longer active. Hmmm.

Let's take a peek at the disassembly of World Championship Baseball:
      JSR     R5, X_TIMER_START   ; 510B    0004 0118 0044  [..D] 

      J       L_58B6              ; 510E    0004 0358 00B6  [...] 

      NOP                         ; 5111    0034  [4] 
      NOP                         ; 5112    0034  [4] 
      NOP                         ; 5113    0034  [4] 
      NOP                         ; 5114    0034  [4] 
      NOP                         ; 5115    0034  [4] 
      PSHR    R5                  ; 5116    0275  [.] 
      MVI     G_0320, R0          ; 5117    0280 0320  [..] 
      SWAP    R0, 1               ; 5119    0040  [@]


      CMPI    #$8, R0             ; 5120    0378 0008  [..] 
      BGE     L_5129              ; 5122    020D 0005  [..] 

      NOP                         ; 5124    0034  [4] 
      NOP                         ; 5125    0034  [4] 
      NOP                         ; 5126    0034  [4] 
      NOP                         ; 5127    0034  [4] 
      NOP                         ; 5128    0034  [4] 

      MVI     .PSG0.rgt_hand, R5  ; 5129    0285 01FE  [..] 
      XORI    #$ff, R5            ; 512B    03FD 00FF  [..]

Very interesting...

It looks as though we can see where Mike Minkoff has inserted breakpoints in the code. In fact there are 32 of these sequences of 5 NOP instructions! They are located at $5111, $5124, $526c, $52ea, $53a3, $55c8, $56a5, $56b5, $5767, $5914, $594d, $59cd, $59e4, $5a00, $5a27, $5a97, $5ab6, $5ae0, $5b4e, $5b98, $5f99, $5fb6, $5fcf, $5fdf, $633c, $634f, $6474, $6859, $6990, $6d3e, $6ddf and $d000

It seems Mike really went to town trying to debug this sucker.

There are also 6 other 4 instruction NOP patterns at $5d47, $5d4c, $5d5c, $5d61, $5d6e and $5d73. These come in pairs like this:
      ADDR    R2, R1              ; 5D44    00D1  [.] 
      ADDI    #$200, R1           ; 5D45    02F9 0200  [..] 
      NOP                         ; 5D47    0034  [4] 
      NOP                         ; 5D48    0034  [4] 
      NOP                         ; 5D49    0034  [4] 
      NOP                         ; 5D4A    0034  [4] 
      MVO@    R0, R1              ; 5D4B    0248  [.] 
      NOP                         ; 5D4C    0034  [4] 
      NOP                         ; 5D4D    0034  [4] 
      NOP                         ; 5D4E    0034  [4] 
      NOP                         ; 5D4F    0034  [4] 
      PULR    R1                  ; 5D50    02B1  [.] 
      CMPI    #$1, R3             ; 5D51    037B 0001  [..]

I'm not sure what is happening here. These sequences are used to draw the playfield, including the baseball diamond at the start of the game. The MVO@ instruction at the centre of the NOP writes a character to the screen. Therefore, it seems unlikely these NOP chains are part of any debugging effort. I wondered if this represented a port and tweaking of code from David Rolfe's original Baseball. However, looking at that code, the drawing of the playfield seems to be handled very differently. Perhaps the NOPs represent a change in the way that the playfield data was encoded subsequently written to the screen that was not optimised.

In the mean time, back to reverse engineering the main debugger source...
