Reverse Engineering Sudoku

While I crack on with looking at the code above address $d3a5 I thought I might share a little about the reverse engineering process.  Armed with the disassembly listing of the ROM generated by dis1600, this is largely a process of adding comments and inferring the purpose of the code by visualising its effects.  For example, if we follow the mysterious jump to $db87 we identified yesterday, we get to this little code fragment:
      PSHR    R5                      ; DBA7    0275  [.] 
      CMPI    #$a, R0                 ; DBA8    0378 000A  [..] 
      BC      L_DBB0                  ; DBAA    0201 0004  [..] 

      ADDI    #$10, R0                ; DBAC    02F8 0010  [..] 
      B       L_DBB2                  ; DBAE    0200 0002  [..] 

      ADDI    #$17, R0                ; DBB0    02F8 0017  [..] 

      SLL     R0, 2                   ; DBB2    004C  [L] 
      SLL     R0, 1                   ; DBB3    0048  [H] 
      XORR    R3, R0                  ; DBB4    01D8  [.] 
      MVO@    R0, R4                  ; DBB5    0260  [.] 
      PULR    R7                      ; DBB6    02B7  [.]

It is possible to sanitise a few commands (replacing the PSHR and PULR with BEGIN and RETURN at the start and end of the subroutine) and add some comments, giving this:
      BEGIN                           ;
      CMPI    #$a, R0                 ; 
      BC      L_DBB0                  ; if R0 >= 10, goto L_DBB0
      ADDI    #$10, R0                ; add 16 to R0
      B       L_DBB2                  ;  
  L_DBB0:                             ;
      ADDI    #$17, R0                ; add 23 to R0
  L_DBB2:                             ;
      SLL     R0, 2                   ; multiply by 8
      SLL     R0, 1                   ; 
      XORR    R3, R0                  ; merge in R3
      MVO@    R0, R4                  ; write result to R4
      RETURN                          ; done

With some knowledge of how Intellivision graphics work and the characters in the GROM, it is then possible to infer the purpose of a small block like this and enhance the description further giving:
  ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ; Write a 4 bit value to the screen as a single hex character
  ; Inputs:   R0 = hex value
  ;           R3 = text colour
  ;           R4 = screen address
  ; Outputs:  None

      BEGIN                           ;
      CMPI    #$a, R0                 ; 
      BC      L_DBB0                  ; if 4-bit value >= 10, goto L_DBB0
      ADDI    #$10, R0                ; use GROM 0-9 alphabet (add $10 to 
      B       L_DBB2                  ;   the value)
  L_DBB0:                             ;
      ADDI    #$17, R0                ; shift to GROM A-F alphabet (add $17
                                      ;   to the value)
  L_DBB2:                             ;
      SLL     R0, 2                   ; convert GROM value to BACKTAB value
      SLL     R0, 1                   ; 
      XORR    R3, R0                  ; merge in colour and any other attributes
      MVO@    R0, R4                  ; write the resulting character to screen
      RETURN                          ; done

At this point we can back-track to the mystery function located at $db87 which calls the subroutine at $dba7. This function now also makes sense and can be documented as follows:
  ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ; Write a 16-bit value to the screen as a 4 character hex number
  ; Inputs:   R1 = value
  ;           R3 = colour
  ;           R4 = screen address if first hex digit
  ; Outputs:  None

      BEGIN                           ;
      MOVR    R1, R0                  ; clone value in R1
      SWAP    R0, 1                   ; isolate the most significant 4-bit
      SLR     R0, 2                   ;   nibble / hex digit
      SLR     R0, 2                   ;
      ANDI    #$f, R0                 ; 
      JSR     R5, L_DBA7              ; call $dba7 to write it to the screen
      MOVR    R1, R0                  ; isolate the second nibble / hex digit
      SWAP    R0, 1                   ;
      ANDI    #$f, R0                 ; 
      JSR     R5, L_DBA7              ; call $dba7 to write to the screen
      MOVR    R1, R0                  ; isolate the third nibble / hex digit
      SLR     R0, 2                   ;
      SLR     R0, 2                   ;
      ANDI    #$f, R0                 ;
      JSR     R5, L_DBA7              ; call $dba7 to write to the screen
      MOVR    R1, R0                  ; isolate the least signifcant nibble /
      ANDI    #$f, R0                 ;   4th hex digit
      JSR     R5, L_DBA7              ; call $dba7 to write to the screen
      RETURN                          ; done

And that is it as far as understanding code is concerned. Wash, rinse, repeat. Only a couple of thousand instructions to do.

The other item of work when reverse engineering is inferring the use of RAM addresses. For example, in the following fragment it looks suspiciously as though the addresses $d28c and $d28d are being used to hold the value of an "address of interest" in the game code under test. Perhaps they could represent a cached value of the CPU's current program counter?

      ... skip a bit ...
      SDBD                            ; load address stored in $d28c, $d28d
      MVII    #$d28c, R4              ;    into R5
      SDBD                            ; 
      MVI@    R4, R5                  ; 
      MVI@    R5, R1                  ; load content of address in R5 to R1   
      PSHR    R5                      ; store address content loaded was from + 1
      MVII    #$7, R3                 ; load white colour
      MVII    #$278, R4               ; load screen address
      JSR     R5, L_DB87              ; write 16-bit value to the screen
      PULR    R5                      ; restore R5 (address of interest + 1)
      MOVR    R1, R2                  ; copy data to R0 and R2 
      MOVR    R1, R0                  ; 
      MOVR    R5, R4                  ; move address + 1 to R4
      JSR     R5, L_DBB7              ; interpret the opcode as a mnemonic

In this fragment, the 16-bit value currently stored in $d28c and $d28d is used as an address to load data from. The data read is then written to the start of the sixth line of the screen, before the code heads off trying to interpret its value as a mnemonic. As already suggested, we can infer from this that the data retrieved is assumed to be a CPU instruction (otherwise why interpret it as a mnemonic?), and that the addresses it was read from represent a pointer to program code, probably the program counter.

Additionally, it suggests that the region of memory where $d28c and $d28d reside are workspace for the debugger, and therefore, are RAM rather than ROM. Interestingly $d28c and $d28d fall within the block of zeroed memory we identified yesterday from $d279 to $d3a5, which seems to mark the boundary between WCB code and the debugger. Perhaps this block is all workspace for the debugger? It makes sense that the debugger would have its own workspace, so as not to interfere with the state of the game. If so, this entire block must be RAM rather than ROM, which may explain why it is predominantly initialised to zero. We can probably go further; because we might want to change the WCB code or data under test for diagnostic purposes, the full address space should probably be implemented as RAM when using the debugger. Unfortunately, this then leaves the door open to the existence of the twin evils of dynamic and self modifying code within the debugger. Both have the potential to make reverse engineering more challenging, as the game code executed may be tweaked by the debugger, and therefore, might be different to that in the assembly listing. Finally, we can tell that because the 16-bit address is split across addresses $d28c and $d28d the RAM used is intended to be 10-bits wide. 16-bit memory would not require this split and 8-bit memory is too small to be used to store the 10-bit wide instructions of the CP-1610 CPU.

I hope this little example shows that this kind of reverse engineering is really 90% perspiration and only 10% inspiration. Never-the-less I think it can be a fun puzzle, in a similar way to things like Sudoku.
